
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What a surprise!

These little guys were a pleasant surprise!  Ronnie happened to be talking with someone who mentioned they  had baby bunnies that needed a home, so that Saturday he says let's go I have a surprise!  We visited with our friend and brought home these two cuties!



We have had these little ones about 3 weeks and they are outgrowing their current home, so we put together a new place for them to live.

the new and improved large home

Cotton loves it

so does Spot
 They are so funny, I have been holding them every day to keep them tame and  now they come to the screen a beg to picked up or maybe they just want the yummy stuff I've brought them to snack on....

Do you have bunnies?  What kind of treats do you feed them?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Whew... summer finally arrived!

 Our garden is slow taking off this year due to the weather, it's been really strange this spring.  We are enjoying sugar snaps, radishes, onions, and strawberries, yum!

Last week we had some help in the garden.

Pickin' sugar snaps

Checking out the strawberries

What is growing in your garden?